
ANTHRO 2656 - Introduction to Feminist Science Studies





Prof. Anna Jabloner
Wed. 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Peabody 12

This seminar is an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of feminist science studies. As the feminist movements of the 1970s began to change the American political landscape, academic feminists began inquiries into the marginalization of women in science a debate philosopher Harding called the woman question in science. Feminist scientists began to examine sex, gender and race bias in their own disciplines.

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ANTHRO 2643 - Paperwork: What Does Paper Do for Social Life?





Prof. Malavika Reddy
Thurs. 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Tozzer 203

How does paper work in contemporary life? This course approaches this question by focusing on the paperwork, files, and record keeping practices of three organizational forms – bureaucracy, the corporation, and the nation-state. The aim of the class is for students to develop, in relation to their research sites and questions, a media theory of paperwork, a conceptual toolkit to make visible and to theorize an often-overlooked form. Tacking among ethnography, history and social theory, this course examines how paperwork – from forms, reports and memoranda to identity papers, receipts and business cards – mediate and materialize the collective projects that produce them. What is the relation of power and paper, and how might this question help us locate and understand the mundane materiality of social life?   

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ANTHRO 2250B - Proseminar in Archaeology





Prof. Jason Ur
Thurs. 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Peabody 12

This graduate seminar reviews critical issues in archaeological approaches to the study of complex societies, including writing, trade, craft specialization, technology, landscape, urbanism, and political organization.

ANTHRO 1603 - The Law and Its Limits: Anthropological Approaches to Law





Prof. Malavika Reddy
Tues. 12:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Tozzer 203

We often talk about the power of law to shape our worlds but what about its powerlessness? An axiom of contemporary life is that societies need law to address social, political and environmental ills. Yet, in the face of entrenched problems, including expanding who belongs, tackling inequality, and confronting environmental crisis, law often appears impotent or, worse, detrimental.... Read more about ANTHRO 1603 - The Law and Its Limits: Anthropological Approaches to Law

ANTHRO 1208 - Prehistoric Technology: Ancient China





Prof. Rowan Flad
Tues. and Thurs. 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Peabody 561

In this course we examine prehistoric technology through the lens of case studies from Chinese archaeology. We will begin with a focus on general concepts in the archaeology of technology. After providing this thematic foundation, we explore specific examples of technologies that have become a focus of archaeological attention in China: lithics, ceramics, plant and animal domesticates, architecture, hydrological engineering, textiles, metallurgy, divination technology and writing.

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