ANTHRO 1826 - Medical Anthropology: Advanced Topics





Prof. Arthur Kleinman
Weds. 3:00 PM - 5:45 PM


A review of the latest and most advanced contributions to theory, methods, especially ethnography, findings, as well as policy contributions in medical anthropology.

Open to advanced undergraduates with some background in social sciences or humanities (regardless of concentration), and to graduate and professional students. Because of the extent of the readings and the intensity of the analysis, the course will be limited to 25 students.

Spring 2023: Paul Farmer's Contributions to Medical Anthropology

The course reviews the contributions of Paul Farmer to medical anthropology and global health. Each week we will read a different book written by Paul Farmer or by one of his teachers or former students. The course is a deep dive into Farmer's social theory, ethnographic writings, clinical and public health contributions, and his writings for a more general audience. Farmer's influence on medical anthropology has been large and diverse and this course is meant to be a deep reading that will provide an understanding of the extent, nature, and consequences of his ideas, research, and teaching.