ANTHRO 1813 - Science from the Arctic: Histories and Futures





Prof. Annikki Herranen-Tabibi

Th 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Historically, the Circumpolar Arctic has often figured as a scientific frontier and horizon – from exploration and discovery to the circulation and popularization of scientific knowledge. Amidst anthropogenic climate change, the region today gives rise to data and imagery of increasingly heightened urgency, foreshadowing ecological crises to come. This seminar surveys the role of the Arctic region in histories and futures of scientific research and practice. Each week, students acquaint themselves with a specific part of the Circumpolar Arctic and a specific domain of science, spanning the natural and social sciences, medicine, and military research alike. In addition to weekly writing assignments and semester-long research projects, students will deepen their understanding of course content by interacting with organizations that are engaged with Arctic science and policy.